Carbon Neutrality


Promise to become carbon neutral in our business by 2050

In light of the Paris Agreement coming into force in 2016 and the ensuing global movement toward decarbonization, the Envipro group has decided that we will achieve net zero GHG emissions from our entire businesses by 2050, including the disposal and recycling of the scrap handled by our Group.。

Resource issue and climate change issue are closely related to each other, not individual issues, and furthermore both of issues are global social issues. Endless resource mining and greenhouse gas emissions are detrimental to sustainability. And we should find any solution to preserve the planet Earth's resources and its natural environment that we share in the future.
Our Group's business, which is located at the end of the supply chain and our Group is responsible for Resource Circulation Business, possesses the business characteristics that enable it to tackle both of these critical social issues through its business, and we believe that this is precisely the social responsibility that the Group should fulfill.

Efforts toward carbon neutrality by 2050

The Group has identified GHG emissions and the percentage of electricity generated from renewable energy sources as indicators to be used in assessing and managing climate change-related risks and opportunities, and has publicized target values for each.

By 2050, the Group aims to achieve effectively zero GHG emissions from all its operations, including the processing and recycling of scrap and waste.

Emissions Reduction Targets

In fiscal 2022, CO2 emissions (Scope1 and 2) amounted to 6,356 tons, down 50% from fiscal 2017 levels.

Scope 1+2 CO₂ emissions results and targets

*The increase in emissions in FY2022 is due to the grouping of Nitto Kako Co., Ltd. and we have already taken steps to improve the situation, including switching to a renewable energy menu for the electricity used by the company.

The Group underwent third-party verification by the Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA) to objectively evaluate the calculation of Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2), which are important environmental indicators, and to further enhance the reliability of the calculation.
The verification included on-site inspections at three of the Group's sites to check the calculation and aggregation systems at each site and to cross-check the emissions data with the evidence. In addition, calculation rules were confirmed prior to the on-site verification.
We will continue to make efforts to accurately calculate environmental indicators and promote reliable information disclosure.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Verification Report

Renewable energy 100% in our business by 2030

In July 2018, the Group joined "RE100", which aims to make the electricity consumed in business activities 100% renewable energy by 2050. We are the first recycling company to join this initiative in the world.
This time as we announced our commitment to be carbon neutral by 2050, we reset our target year of RE100 to 2030, which is 20 years ahead of schedule. This is because we recognize that expanding and accelerating renewable energy which is the most important measure against climate change is an important theme to tackle for our company, which has the mission of "contribute to create a sustainable society".
As of June 2023, there are 12 plants and facilities that operate 100% on renewable energy, including Econecol's Fuji Plant, which has installed power generation equipment with low environmental impact using solar panels on the plant roof and has established a system that enables in-house consumption of renewable energy power.As of June 2023, the percentage of renewable energy power used by the entire Envipro Group was approximately 86.5%, and we are steadily advancing our RE100 initiatives toward the goal to be achieved by 2030.

  • RE100
  • RE100 by 2030
  • RE100 Plants
< What is RE100 Initiatives >
RE100(100% Renewable Electricity)is a global initiative which brings together companies committed to ensuring the electricity consumed in their businesses is 100% from renewable energy sources. It is lead by the Climate Group in partnership with the CDP.

The use of renewable energy is expected not only to reduce risks and improve competitiveness, but also to achieve greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for each company, and is regarded as a smart decision-making in business.

RE100 includes many influential companies worldwide that are included in the Fortune Global 500 (Fortune magazine, the world's largest business magazine), as well as companies in a wide range of industries, including the information technology, finance, cement, and automotive manufacturing industries.

Measures for achieving RE100

  • The Azumino Plaza local symbiosis-type recycling facility

    The Azumino Plaza local symbiosis-type recycling facility (Azumino-shi Nagano Pref.) operated by ECONECOL Inc. has installed a power generation facility using reused solar panels on its roof. The facilities are supplied with RE100 options from retail electric utilities, achieving a RE100 plant.
    In the future, in addition to the purchased electric power, the electric power generated by our own photovoltaic power generation facilities will also be used in our business. Bright Innovation Co., Ltd. served as the administrative team for the promotion of the Group's RE100 initiatives and provided one stop processes from planning to introducing these initiatives.
    By utilizing the know-how gained through these initiatives, we provide similar services to companies seeking to reduce CO₂ emissions and introduce renewable energy sources.

    Click here for details
  • Rubber Chip Plant of RE100

    On May 1 2019, in-house plants of NITTO KAKO Co.,Ltd (former Toyo Rubber Chip Co., Ltd.) which is a member of our group became RE100 plants, that is, 100% of the electricity they use comes from renewable energy sources. Electricity used at plants is supplied from the RE100 options of retail electric utilities.
    In addition, by using non-fossil certificates with tracking, we are preferentially receiving electricity generated at the Komiya Photovoltaic Power Station owned by ECONECOL Inc. (former SYNECO Inc.) which is a member of our group.
    As a result, this has realized a reduction of CO₂ emissions in the manufacturing process and made the manufacturing of zero emissions products possible.
    NITTO KAKO (former Toyo Rubber Chip) is a pioneer in recycled rubber which has been effectively using rubber industry resources for over half a century. It has been developing a wide range of applications, including playground ground materials for parks and schools, floor materials for sports facilities, and railway crossing panels. All of these products contribute to the reduction of CO₂ emissions.

    Click here for details
  • < Installation of photovoltaic power generation facilities >

    In February 2020, a solar power generation facility for in-house facilities was installed at a plant operated by ECONECOL Inc., the Group's core company.
    The power generation facilities have mechanisms to address issues that hinder the spread and expansion of renewable energy in the region, and are highly cost-effective in reducing carbon dioxide. In recognition of this, the facilities were granted subsidies as a part of the Renewable Energy Electricity and Thermal Self-reliance Promotion Project.

    Click here for details


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