Contribute to Create a Sustainable Society


  • In this era efforts must be made across industries and positions to achieve humanity’s common goal of carbon neutrality.
    As a leader in the resource recycling business, the ENVIPRO Group aims to contribute to create a sustainable society. In doing so, we strive to evolve beyond conventional boundaries.
    The collection and resource recovery of waste materials go beyond just reducing environmental impact.
    By circulating recycled resources, we aim to generate new manufacturing and revitalize local communities, ultimately bringing joy to all stakeholders.
    The ENVIPRO Group is committed to being a driving force that drives this cycle of joy in the circular economy, looking into the future as we take on new challenges.
    In the interest of “Make a circle of joy,” we aim to bring smiles to the faces of all as we work together toward a society of sustainability and abundance.

  • The Value Creation Process

    Based on the corporate philosophy and mission of the Group, the ENVIPRO Group organizes the relationship between business activities and social issues, and identifies materialities as a leading company in the circular economy.
    Through the Group's value creation process, we will continue to provide sustainable value to our stakeholders and achieve our mission statement and sustainable growth.

    Materiality Identification, Value Creation Process details

Toward the Realization of a Circular Economy

Based on the strategic concept to "Lead a circular economy", we have classified our strategies into two categories: CE supporting manufacturing and CE supporting local communities. We are promoting our business with the aim of realizing many concrete examples of CE ahead of other companies. CE aims to provide another value for materials that were once discarded. Our group’s Resource Circulation Business offers social value to consumers by giving them the opportunity to choose eco-friendly products. It creates new resource value for disused primary materials. Therefore, our group believes that we can play a crucial role in CE, performing the function of an engine for resource circulation.
Focusing on the reuse, recycling and remanufacturing of materials, we will promote the finest technologies for resource circulation across supply chains, and the development of collaboration systems of forward and reverse logistics through partnerships with manufacturers.

Business Activities

To Promote a Circular Economy

In order to promote the circular economy, the Envipro Group has set a target to improve the resource recovery rate.
As a company responsible for resource recycling, we recognize all waste as unused resources and aim to achieve the ultimate zero waste society. We will pursue “mottainai” to achieve our goal.

  • Resource recovery
    rate (target)

    Jun. 2030 96. 0%

    Jun. 2040 98. 0%



Environmetal Policy

Our group have established the environmental policy and will act accordingly, placing importance on harmony with the natural environment and coexistence with the local community, with the mission of “Contribute to create a sustainable society”, and under the concept of “Lead a circular economy”.

Carbon Neutral by 2050

We aim to achieve effectively zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from all its businesses by 2050, including the processing and recycling of scrap and waste handled by the Group.

GHG Emission Reduction Targets

Scope 1+2 aims to achieve a 64% reduction by the fiscal year ending June 30, 2028 compared to the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018.


In July 2018, we became the first company in the world from the recycling industry to join RE100, and we have set a goal of 100% renewable energy by 2030 for the electricity consumed in our operations.

Information Disclosure in Line with TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) Recommendations*

In May 2019, the Group announced its endorsement of the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Please refer to the PDF file for the disclosure of information in line with the TCFD recommendations for our group.

*TCFD is a private-sector-led task force on climate-related financial disclosure established under the Financial Stability Board (FSB) at the request of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors. It has published recommendations (TCFD Recommendations) aimed at companies understanding and disclosing the financial impacts of “risks” and “opportunities” from climate change.


Local Symbiosis

The Group strives to coexist with the local community through various activities such as local cleanups and solving the problems of citizens.
Econocol Matsumoto Branch solves issues in the local community by accepting plant tours from school children and giving back to the community through the Mottainai Box. For more information, please see the PDF file.

Harassment Prevention Policy

The Group responds to the prevention of harassment based on the basic policy listed in the following document.

Human Rights Policy

The Group places importance on respecting and promoting human rights, and has established, complies with, and promotes a human rights policy based on its corporate philosophy.

Internal Environmental Improvement

The Group implements initiatives to improve the engagement of its employees, who are the closest stakeholders to the company.

To support employees in balancing work and childcare, we have introduced a system for reduced working hours for regular employees, and we provide information on father's maternity leave in our company newsletter.
Conducting an annual employee satisfaction survey for management to understand the current situation and make improvements.
Started trial operation of mentor system for new graduates.
Commendation system (long-service awards, etc.)


Corporate Governance

The Envipro Group recognizes that instilling our corporate philosophy throughout the organization is the most important aspect of governance, and that the strengthening of governance that brings discipline to organizations to sustain growth is a key issue in management.
Responding to this issue, in addition to soundness, transparency, and efficiency of management, we will always maintain awareness of corporate ethics and legal compliance in our corporate activities, and will work to strengthen and enhance our corporate governance.

Corporate Governance Report

Other Sustainability Issues


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